Monday, February 18, 2008


Tam shared some pictures with us and we thought you would enjoy seeing them, too.  I labeled one "The Great Hall."  We can hardly wait to see their new home in person.  If we ever build or move, we will just hire Tam to take care of everything for us.  Ha.  


Anonymous said...

GORGEOUS!!!! ABSOLUTELY GORGEOUS!!! I cannot wait to see it in person! You did a fantastic job, Tam!!! WOW!!! I think I just want your house! :)

Anonymous said...

From Rose Ann
Brian and I agree. The house is beautiful. Can't wait to see it.
Rose Ann

Brian Rogers said...

What is the pink stuff for? I am sure it has a purpose, but what is it?

Anonymous said...

Chris said that he thinks the pink stuff was put up so that the paint didn't get messed up while they were moving furniture.

Last week the discussion was pepperoconis this week the "pink stuff"

I am feeling better today. I had to work last night I didn't feel real great until about half way through the shift and then felt fine. I didn't have Lemon Meringue Pie and Whiskey so maybe that helped me. Jason and Brooke are sick now. Jason has been sick since last Friday and Brooke since Sunday. Hopefully by tomorrow they are better and then it will be Marc's turn.

Brooke's big news is that she lost her first tooth over the week-end. She was so excited. I am a little sad to see those little teeth go. I know that she is going to need braces. Her little teeth were crowded so I can only imagine what her permanent teeth will be. She is excited about braces too. I guess innonence is good.

Anonymous said...

Can't wait to see the house. It is beautiful. Hard to believe that it is the same house that we saw a few months ago.

Anonymous said...

Sara, did Maggie see the Hannah Montana movie? How did it go at the dentist yesterday.

Anonymous said...

I can't wait to see that Rich and Tam's house! I was trying to figure out the pink - what Chris thought makes sense.

Carl has a cold and I think I am getting one!

Hope the dentist went well!

Tell Brooke congrats - I hope that the tooth fairy was generous!

I sent mom and email with directions on how to post a comment - hopefully she will do so soon!

Take care.

Anonymous said...

Rose Ann says...
Stay well everyone! I really like the new house!!!
Rose Ann

Anonymous said...

I realize now why I like the new house so much....I have similar wood floors, whitish kitchen, white doors and windows, and same colored walls.....ONLY thing is my whole house could fit into kitchen/adjoining room!!! I really like the front entry I think most newer houses around Norfolk have the garage as the focal point....garages are often closer to the street and have a more interesting roof line than the front door. How did that happen??
Rose Ann

Anonymous said...

Gertie has influenza & bronchitis. UGH! She has to be home for the rest of the week. 7 kids in her preschool class have confirmed cases of influenza A. We even got the flu shot. We're all taking Tamiflu...which cost $400! MAN! Not what I was planning to spend $400 on this month! But, I guess I don't want the flu. It's just spreading like wildfire here in Vermillion.

Roberta: Glad you're feeling better. Sorry the rest of your family is getting it now. How fun for Brooke. Losing that first tooth is BIG NEWS!!!

We haven't seen the HAnnah Montana movie. Have you? I don't even know that I've seen it. Is it out on video yet? Gertie requested High School Musical as a movie for the week. She loves those musicals!

My dentist appointment was fine. No x-rays this time. But all appeared good. I'm obsessed with my teeth now and don't miss a day of flossing.

Glad you figured out the commenting on your own, Mom!

Good thing about being home all week...I get to talk to Beth whenever she is out driving around Nashville! :)

Thanks for guessing on the pink stuff. I was wondering too. Funny if we're completely wrong!
