Monday, January 21, 2008


Allen got the spindles in.  He had to cut the day short as his range went out and he had to shop for a new one.  I told him the ceramic tops were good and the new convection ovens are good, too.  Some have 2 ovens, one conventional and one convection.  
We got more snow today.  I would say around 6 or 7 inches of the white, fluffy stuff.  It is 10 degrees currently and a -7 wind chill.  Good day to work inside and have a warm home to go to.


Anonymous said...

Wow - the stairs look great!!

We got less than one inch of snow and it actually got up to 23 today!!

Anonymous said...

When I first read your email, I thought a range was a piece of equipment that a contractor might use to build stairs. So...I was really confused when you started talking about ovens? Seemed so random! After I read a 2nd time...I laughed out loud! :)

We probably got a total of 8 inches on top of the snow & ice that was already on the ground. This has been a really snowy winter! And cold! Although today's 18 degrees felt BALMY!

I'm so excited to see the stairs in person!