Saturday, January 12, 2008

Day 1 of the Stairs Remodel Project

Well, it is truly a work in progress now.  After Day 1 we have to use a ladder to get up and down stairs for the weekend.  Allen will be back Monday to continue.  I believe we are really going to like the new look.  It is amazing what a vision, a good contractor and some money can do.  Ha.


Brian Rogers said...

Looking at these pictures, I think I need to take the pictures with a better perspective in place of tilting the camera to get the most in. I believe you can get a better picture of what it looks like.

Anonymous said...

guess you're off the hook for laundry today! And you're still using the computer (which is downstairs!). Are you using that ladder or going out the backdoor and around to the garage. This is so cool! I can't wait to see the finished product!!!

Brian Rogers said...

We are using the ladder mostly. Kind of spooks Rose Ann you go up and down the ladder, but it works much better than going outside and around the house in the snow.