Thursday, March 20, 2008


David was over the other night and Rose Ann was so good at making him laugh.  He is growing up every day a little more.  


Anonymous said...

Oh my goodness, he is beautiful! He is getting so big. Jess

Anonymous said...

He is just so cute!!! My goodness! I'm so excited to snuggle with him tomorrow!

Tricia said...

Abby and I tried to post a comment once before (without success), but with a picture of my little Honey posted, I'm inspired to give it another try!
It's so fun to see all the pictures and notes...Way to go, Dad! I have to say David is as sweet as he looks. We are so blessed.

Roger and Benjamin are heading home tomorrow from a fishing trip in Texas. Ben caught a whopper today, over 10lbs (I can't remember the oz.) Beat Roger and G'pa Protzman BY FAR!!
So my week of being a single mom is coming to an end. It's been fine (pretty relaxed with meals and bedtimes), but I do miss the men in my life.

There are a lot of comments about all the babies getting so big so fast....can you believe my "baby" is 13?! I feel like I'm living in 2 worlds sometimes, having a teenager and a newborn in the family. (and everything in-between!)

Anonymous said...

David is so cute!

Tricia - go to hear from you. Glad to hear that you survived being a single parent! I can't believe Ben is 13!!! Where has the time gone?

We are heading to mom's on Easter - hope you all have a very Happy Easter.

Anonymous said...

Grandma Lucy, it was hard to tell who is grandma, you all looked the same age. Benjamin, Congratulations on the big fish, too bad that you had to put it back in. David is growing up too fast, he is a doll.