Sunday, April 19, 2009


I finished my watercolor classes and now have done my first project on my own and here it is.  It is a painting of an old oil lamp belonging to Phyllis Williams, a friend from Missouri.  One of our son-in-laws, Doug Peterson, has an artist background as his dad, Max, is an artist.  He made some suggestions to highlight the chimney, but I had already framed the picture.  I have shown the original photo, the finished painting and the framed pix.  I could not get the black background to work, so I softened up the background.  

1 comment:

Susan said...

Hi Brian! So glad to hear that you are home again. You gave us all a scare. I hope that the doctors are right and you won't have any more problems with that. It is time for me to start blogging again. Getting ready for another trip to Germany this summer. Take care, susan